Saturday, January 26, 2008

From The Murks Of The Sultry Abyss

i got a sudden burst of inspiration.
i figured i would share.
based upon reading the book From The Murks Of The Sultry Abyss, by Brandon Boyd,
i decided i wanted to write.
not to be limited to "blogging" or writing songs,
but pretty much anything and everything avalible.

I've always been obsessed with Art, whether it be, Music, Paitinings, Writings, Books etc.
So when i sat down and gazed upon the pages of this book,
my creativity sort of "opened up" [as lame as that sounds]
its pretty unusual where inspiration comes from isnt it?

"Art is my window and my oppurtunity to let the butterflies in my stomach fly free. And whether you like how they look or sound in mid flight, know this; 'I don't take myself that seriously.' I approach language and life with an ingerent respect."

makes sense right?
i also decided i would get back into photography, or rather, my interpretation of it.

i'll post pictures up when i've taken some.


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